About The Paideuma Journal
PAIDEUMA is a Peer Reviewed Monthly International Journal and Platform encouraging Researchers, Practitioners, Academicians from Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology Management areas to share their innovative Research achievements and novel work to make quality information available for a broader public of readers and Internet users.
PAIDEUMA Journal accepts high quality research literature from Cutting age Engineering and Technology applications, Technology Management, Medicine, Biological Sciences, Forensic Science, Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Internet of Things, STEM, Research and Development in Forensic Science Papers Publish in this International Journal since 2006. It is a peer reviewed refereed International Journal.
It intends to provide complete and comprehensive source of information on recent development in the field of mathematical sciences. It is an open accessed journal so that researchers, academicians and scientists of the world may avail research articles to download free of cost. The basic emphasis will be given on publishing quality research papers rapidly which will attract attention to all research workers in that field worldwide.
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. PAIDEUMA JOURNAL OF RESEARCH (0090–5674) examines new research and development at the quality. It provides a common forum for both frontline industrial management as well as pioneering academic research.

PAIDEUMA is part of UGC Consortium for Research and Academic Ethics (UGC -Care) in Group A. To match global standards of high quality research, in all academic disciplines under its purview, the University Grants Commission (UGC), aspires to stimulate and empower the Indian academia through its “Quality Mandate”.

Aim and Scope
PAIDEUMA JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ISSN (0090–5674) takes special care in making the submitted research paper to be published without much delay. It is an international online journal published 12 issues (January , February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December) per year to promote the scientific research in the latest and state of art topics in Engineering Research. It is an international online journal intended for professionals and researchers in all fields of Engineering Research.
The journal’s multidisciplinary approach draws from such fields as benchmarking, business excellence, e-quality, management systems, performance measurements and management, proces management and improvement, quality management, six sigma, supply chain management, quality and leadership, quality information systems, quality of life.
Provide a forum for both academicians and industry specialists to explore the multiple frontiers of the quality field. Bring innovative research on all aspects of quality from managerial, analytical, behavioral and technological perspectives.
Published Monthly, with dedicated issues on a regular basis as well as a general issue per year.
An Editorial Advisory Group and an Editorial Board both including outstanding individuals from academia and industry.
Eminent guest editors for the dedicated issues. Editors of websites managing and maintaining the internet services.